There are three main types of PEX pipes, each identified by a specific
method of cross-linking and various performance characteristics:

1. PEX-A pipe
Manufacturing Process: Cross-linking is done using the Engel method, which
involves chemical cross-linking during the extrusion process.
The highest degree of cross-linking, making it the most flexible and
resistant to cracking and kinking.
Best performance in terms of resistance to freeze damage.
Can be expanded for use with expansion fittings.
Typically more expensive than PEX-B and PEX-C.
Applications: Ideal for residential and commercial plumbing,water supply,
radiant floor heating, and snow-melt systems.
2. PEX-B pipe
Manufacturing Process: Cross-linking is achieved using a silane method,
where the polyethylene resin is chemically cross-linked after extrusion by
adding silane compounds.
Slightly less flexible than PEX-A, but still highly durable.
More resistant to chlorine and has a higher pressure rating compared to
Less expensive than PEX-A.
Not suitable for expansion fittings like PEX-A.
Applications: Common in residential plumbing and heating systems, and for
potable water systems.
3. PEX-C pipe
Manufacturing Process: Cross-linking is done using electron beams
(radiation), which alters the molecular structure of the polymer.
Lower flexibility compared to PEX-A and PEX-B.
Good resistance to high temperatures and pressures.
Typically the least expensive of the three types.
Can be difficult to repair or reconfigure due to its rigidity.
Applications: Often used in industrial settings, and less commonly in
residential plumbing.
Additional Considerations:
Color Options: PEX pipes are available in different colors, such as red,
blue, and white. The colors help with identification (e.g., blue for cold water,
red for hot water, and white for general purposes).
Standards: PEX pipes are rated for various levels of pressure and
temperature. Ensure to check the specific standards (e.g., ASTM F876/F877, CSA
B137.5) to confirm they meet your project's requirements.
Each type of PEX pipe has its own strengths, so the best choice depends on
the specific needs of the project, such as cost, flexibility, and resistance to
environmental factors.